Gifted with a place to cultivate

However, just as PEI Ling was about to summon the darkness that his incarnation controlled and take out his storage bag, the chains that bound him flickered and instantly absorbed the spell technique he was casting.

At the same time, the pain of being pricked by tens of thousands of needles suddenly spread throughout his body.

"Oh ..."

PEI Ling groaned in pain. The wounds on his body that had just healed burst open and fresh blood flowed out again.

He couldn't use any spell techniques on these chains!

However, when he used the [ secret record of sun eclipse ], he did not suffer any backlash.

These chains probably only restricted techniques and divine arts, not cultivation techniques.

Realizing this, PEI Ling frowned. He could not take out the virtual sky World seed now, so he could not enter "minor freedom sky." This was going to be troublesome!

At this moment, at the bottom of the cave, at the bottom of the abyss, a wave-like howl suddenly came.