No one is to leave!

The color of this flag was like fresh blood, and it was embroidered with black patterns all around, with many symbols that looked like fish Dragons and algae.

The symbols slowly moved like living creatures, emitting waves of baleful aura like that of a military formation. As they fluttered in the wind, a solemn intent immediately spread out.

In the center of the flag, someone had written a huge " punish " character. It was different from the blood-red evil Qi of the demonic Dao. The treasure light flowed on it, but it was full of majestic righteousness, which made the evil spirits feel fear before they even got close.

It was the abyss crossing magic treasure, [ evil extermination flag ]!

At this moment, a tall and burly figure with a murderous aura around him shot up into the sky from the "sky" area.

Several chains loyally bound his body. However, as he charged forward, the last three chains were unwillingly broken with a few cracking sounds.