Within three moves

Upon hearing this, li lieyue was slightly stunned. Junior Brother PEI came so quickly!

She had originally thought that her Junior Brother would only arrive a day later. Today, she had planned to set the rules for the election of the leader with the Shaofu token and the Prince.

In this way, when Junior Brother PEI arrived, he only needed to explain the situation a little and he could directly act according to the clan's plan. He would not waste any time ...

However, since Junior Brother PEI had arrived in advance, there was no need to go through so much trouble.

&Quot; you've come at the right time, " she replied. &Quot; you can enter the yin corpse city directly. &Quot;

"Alright!" PEI Ling's voice transmission sounded again.

As the two of them were communicating telepathically, di Zi asked, " "Junior Sister li, who do you think is the most suitable person for the position of leader?"