! great battle.

"The peak of the Dao integration stage? Or is it a tribulation?"

"This aura should belong to a senior from the divine path, but I have no impression of it."

"It seems like he's a senior of very high seniority ..."

Su Lijing and Ji mang both looked at the great Pagoda token as they spoke.

The great Pagoda token frowned. It did not know what had happened, but now, more and more powerhouses had suddenly come to the base camp, especially the senior who had just appeared. Even if he had not gone through the heavenly Tribulation, he was not far from it!

If this dragged on, there might be a big problem.

At the thought of this, the great Pagoda token said in a deep voice,"Let's settle the problem outside first, then we'll discuss the important matters."

Su Lijing and Ji mang looked at each other and nodded slightly."Alright," he said.

Before he finished speaking, the two of them had already disappeared from the meeting hall.