Life and death! victory and defeat!

At the same time, spell techniques rained down from the other side.

Li lieyue, Fu xuanxu, Zhongkui yueji, ning Wuye, and Yan mingchen were all using their own techniques to fight against the foreign species.

At this moment, other than the Mad demons summoned by the SU Li Sutra, there were even more mad demons rushing over from the distance.

Seeing that more and more enemies were surrounding them, the five of them couldn't care less about the consumption of magic power and used all kinds of trump cards.

If the SU Li Scripture's incarnation was not removed, none of them here would have a way out!

In a split second, a purple glow appeared in li lieyue's eyes. His entire eye sockets were turning dark purple, and the aura around him became colder and colder. The aura of a living person dissipated, as if he had turned into a ghost in an instant.

At the same time, a young girl in a black dress slowly appeared in the void behind her.