Chapter 39-brotherly love

You su tomb.

The White mist was thick and dense.

The blood-colored bridal sedan drifted through the mist.

All the ghosts they encountered on the way avoided them, not daring to be rash.

A cold wind blew, and the curtain of the blood-red sedan would occasionally be lifted, revealing The Pink Bride in a bright red wedding dress.

She was covered with a veil and her hands were crossed on her knees. Even when the curtain of the carriage was down and no ghost could see her, she was still dignified and elegant like a bride who was about to go through the wedding ceremony, stern and inviolable.

Unlike these ghosts who could only rest in the grave, she had the right to enter and exit the grave freely.

In the deep sea, there were hundreds of mortals on the islands.

Every time he went out, he would take a trip around all the islands and enjoy thousands of fresh living people.