Do me a favor ...

At this moment, in the dream.

The oil lamp that was about to burn out was unusually bright, making the shadows around it more vivid.

As the fire flickered, the shadow of the family head seemed to come alive. It laughed silently, madly, and furiously, wanting to grab The Pink Bride and tear her into pieces!

In the center of the mud house, The Pink Bride's face was covered with a Bridal Veil. The wedding dress was still as bright as before, and the dense silk threads covered the entire mud house. However, the face under the Bridal Veil was no longer as calm as it was before.

The endless battle had gone on for an unknown period of time. Under the siege of the many replicas, The Pink Bride's aura had become very chaotic.

At this point, she already knew what the problem was. This wasn't the real you su tomb!

Not only were these replicas fake, but the entire fief of this " group " was also fake!