Not enough sacrifices!

The black blood churned like a swamp, and in a flash, it completely swallowed the entire arm.

At the same time, PEI Ling suddenly felt a wave of majestic life force and vital energy flowing into his body for no reason. The cultivation level in his body immediately began to rise rapidly. Not long after, he reached the peak of the foundation building realm. However, it seemed that it was still not enough to recover his cultivation level to the core formation realm.

PEI Ling's heart skipped a beat, but he immediately understood. The system had accepted the offerings on the altar on his behalf ...

The palace lanterns burned quietly, the flames dancing, illuminating Xiao Shou's pale face.

The bleeding from his broken arm had stopped at some point, and new flesh was growing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Not long after, the originally bloody wound had become smooth, as if he was born without a left arm.

Green smoke rose from the incense burner.