The return of the great Dao to void!


A terrifying blast of air rushed out like a mountain flood. In an instant, the entire Xiao Manor was blown to pieces.

The smoke and dust filled the air like a thick fog. It was only after a long time that it gradually became clear.

The originally huge and luxurious Xiao mansion was now in ruins.

The ground was full of potholes and countless cracks. Muddy water flowed everywhere. The remains of plants and broken bricks were scattered all over the ground.

The ancestral hall.

The ancient pine trees in the courtyard and the luxurious houses on the mountaintop were all gone. On the remaining Foundation, there was only a statue on the ground.

The robe that was originally covering it had already turned into ashes when it exploded.

Below, Xiao Shou had already been reduced to dust, which scattered into the dust around him, leaving not even the slightest trace behind.

"Yu" and The Pink Bride were nowhere to be seen.

The night sky was low and dark.