The night road.

Dangqing mountain.

The remaining veins.

The night was low, and a mountain village built near a cliff was brightly lit.

A group of strong and fierce-looking bandits walked around with their weapons and bows in their hands. They ordered the slaves and servants to pack up and prepare to move.

In the midst of the chaos, a young Bandit scratched his face and shouted at his slaves to speed up. After a while, he looked around and made sure that no one was paying attention to him. Then he went to his companions and asked in a low voice,"Brother GUI, why would the chief let us leave at night?"

"It's so troublesome in this dark."

The bandit called brother GUI laughed and smacked the young Bandit on the head, causing him to stagger."You can think of it, but chief can't?"

&Quot; we're not some small characters from the Green Village. We're not going to make a fool out of ourselves in broad daylight. &Quot;