Shuttling through territories!

"Then let's repair the temple first!" The head immediately said.

"It's fine if we delay the construction of the stronghold, but we'll just bear with it. We can't delay the place where we worship the great immortal."

"Alright!" The second and third head both agreed.

&Nbsp; immediately after, the leader ordered, " third brother, wait for a while and check our resources. Let's see how long we can last if we don't get any income after building the temple for great immortal. &Quot;

"If it's not enough, we can try to borrow some from the rich families in Li Jiao city."

"Big brother, why go through so much trouble?" the third head asked curiously. We've already left dangqing mountain, and Li Jiao city is quite far from here."

"Why don't you take it directly from the fat sheep that passed by here?"