The next target.

Yan Hui Valley.

In the ruins of the red stone castle, a lot of useless junk was cleared to a corner, while the wood and bricks that could still be used were collected and piled up in different categories for future use.

As the originally ragged site gradually became tidied up, the sun began to set in the West.

In the evening, the afterglow shone through the reeds and cast a long shadow on the busy field.

A row of chest-high wooden fences had already been inserted around the entire camp. Outside the fences were some traps and mechanisms that had been temporarily excavated and set up.

In the southeast corner, on a small hill facing the sun, the temple of great immortal dangqing was under construction.

The pond at the entrance and the tree hole behind the house had already begun to take shape.

The foundation of the main House of the Temple had also been dug out.