The real and fake emperor.

In the dense forest.

In the dead silence of a mountain of corpses and a sea of blood, a lonely grave stood alone.

There were piles of white bones under the forest, and the soil had long been dyed an ominous red.

The aura was dark and stinky, but there were no traces of insects.

Under the shade of the tree, it was dark and gloomy. A tombstone with blood characters was hidden, and it was as silent as death.

Yu's figure suddenly appeared.

He was still wearing a white fox fur coat and looked weak. However, the left side of his body had mostly been petrified, and his aura had dropped by a large amount.

'Yu' looked thoughtful.


He had heard of this name a long time ago.

The other party had once challenged the taboo ...

He had thought that it was completely dead, but it turned out to be imprisoned in the second door by the curse.

However, it was different from the good fortune they wanted to obtain from the 'curse'.