You're the one who's a low-grade immortal ...

The coffin had been nailed shut and was surrounded by tightly sealed wooden planks. The space was narrow and cramped, and it was dark and stuffy.

PEI Ling grabbed at the cultivator of the Wu Shi villa, but just as his palm was about to touch the other party, a large amount of blood suddenly gushed out of the coffin.

Blood-colored skeletal hands stretched out and grabbed PEI Ling's body and limbs in an instant.

The smell of blood mixed with a bone-chilling aura came over, and PEI Ling's entire body froze, his fingers unable to move an inch further.

The blood water rose quickly like a rising tide, and the bodies of the cultivators of the Wu Shi villa gradually sank into the blood water.

"Curse!" A cold and Grand voice suddenly sounded.