Don't turn back.

At this time, seeing that the ideas and alchemy of the glazed Jade Dynasty could not convince the person inside, PEI Ling changed his mind and continued, " "Senior might not know, but not long ago, the demonic path started another border war, and a Great war broke out between the righteous and demonic paths."

&Quot; half of jiuyao mountain has fallen. Although the four sects rushed to help, the demonic Dao came with great momentum and plunged the world into misery and suffering. The Crown Prince of the Empire, His Highness Zhongkui yueji, was even ambushed and seriously injured ... &Quot;

"Now, tens of thousands of Li Shu are in the hands of the enemy, countless people are homeless, countless women and children cry by the side, and although the disciples have died in battle, they can't split up ..."

"The dynasty needs you, senior!"

"The righteous path needs a senior!"