Chapter 215-degeneration

The [ netherworld fog ] rolled and spread, and everything was dark. It blocked the perception of spiritual sense, and countless whispers and roars could be heard. The sound of rustling could be heard from far and near, as if thousands of demons and ghosts were hidden within.

The black-robed man stood in the air. The sword light around him was bright and circled around him. The light golden flame burned fiercely like a flash flood. Behind the surging hood, countless corpse puppets, resentful souls, bloody corpse hands ... Stood by his side, emitting a cold and murderous aura.

Above his head, there were majestic green mountains that sank and floated. The void was filled with a rain of flowers that fell like snow.

Chaotic footsteps could be heard in the darkness. The eyes of the foreign demons were bloodshot, and their auras were chaotic. As soon as they appeared, they attacked the black-robed man without any hesitation.