A thread of immortal opportunity.

Jade tile elixir pillar, Vermillion door beast hoop.

The words "Ji Manor" were hung on the plaque above.

The long Street was wide and empty. A cold wind blew in several dead leaves from somewhere, and they swirled down like paper money on a funeral.

PEI Ling strode to the Ji Manor's main gate.

Under the system's control, he kicked the door open and walked in.

"Hualala ..."

The moment PEI Ling entered the door, the entire Lanke city suddenly started drizzling.

Upon entering, there was a crane and deer in spring reflective wall, which represented wealth and luck. Four corners of the wall were intertwined with peonies, gourds, and bat patterns. It was also embedded with several glazed stones. After being stained with rain, it reflected flowing light and colorful colors, making it look even more noble.

Behind the reflective wall was a courtyard with several water tanks.