The dynasty meeting

The glazed avarice dynasty.

Avenging capital.

The main hall of the Imperial Palace.

A Great Court was being held.

All of the officials were dressed in fine clothes, adorned with fine jade, and their crowns were neat as they filed into the hall.

On the Imperial Jade throne, there was a throne engraved with countless beautiful patterns. The current king of the Zhongkui clan sat upright and still. The twelve crowns hung low, covering his face. He looked like a prison, majestic and profound, as if he was the king of the world.

Above the emperor's head, a huge crystal mirror hung high. The mirror reflected frost, snow, and chaos, but it did not reflect any images.

However, as the mirror reflected light, the hearts of the rulers and officials present were clear and bright.

At this moment, the Emperor was holding a blood-covered letter with golden words, calmly looking down.