A coincidence?

Li hange and Ouyang xianxing stood up and said,"Yes!"

They quickly left, and not long after, the door opened again. The two women walked in with four female cultivators who were completely covered in loose black robes.

The black robe was covered with a hood. At this moment, the brim of the hood was pressed down to the four people's lower jaw, revealing no skin color or hair. Other than judging the gender of the four people by their walking posture, nothing else could be seen.

"Holy Son, we've brought the female cultivator from the pseudo Dao sect," li hange said after entering the room.

PEI Ling nodded. &Quot; it's been hard on the two senior sisters. Please go and rest. &Quot;

Li hange and Ouyang xianxing then retreated.


After they left, the door closed immediately.

With a thought from PEI Ling, the formation that isolated the place from the outside was activated. The entire main house became one.