All living beings Dao, Heaven Earth Dao, and true self Dao

&Quot; the Saint has something to do, " li hange said immediately. &Quot; he ordered us to return to the sect first. &Quot;

The great elders immediately frowned when they heard that. One of the old men immediately said, &Quot; the pseudo Dao is in danger. We must bring the Saint back to the throne. Do you know where the Saint is? "

Li hange shook his head slightly. &Quot; we parted ways with the Holy Son not long after we left avaricious capital. We don't know where the Holy Son went. &Quot;

Another female Grand Elder who looked like an old woman asked with uncertainty, &Quot; did the Saint really defeat the fake emperor of the fake dynasty? "

"That's right!" Li hange replied with certainty. The entire peijing city, the fake courtiers Gong zongqin, the other four fake sects, the jiansang lineage, and the saint's concubines and cultivation vessels all saw it with their own eyes."

&Quot; the saint's strength was extremely strong. At that time ... &Quot;