Chapter 71-the task entrusted to me.

The two disciples looked resolute and their facial features were cold. Their eyebrows were quite similar, and they were dressed the same. Their black hair was tied up with iron rings, and they wore black capes with no patterns on their shoulders that fluttered in the wind.

His armor was bright and clean, and his appearance was meticulous. Even the angle of the weapon on his back was extremely exquisite. He was obviously from a big family who had been trained at a young age.

They were the heaven's favorites of this generation, the Lord's son, Fu Wuyi, and nephew, Fu Hanshu.

"Brother Wuyi, after flying in this direction for two days and one night, then turn South and you will reach the GUI Lu mountain range." Fu Hanshu held a compass in his hand. He observed his surroundings and said, " that ghost strongman is in the Mount guilu. &Quot;

Fu Wuyi nodded,"don't be stingy with the spirit stones, let iron Harrier travel at the fastest speed possible"