Soldiers, chariots! and cannons.

At the same time, PEI Ling did not give the city Lord any time to change his move and immediately slashed out with his blade!

He raised the nine souls saber high and his aura changed in an instant. It was as if he had transformed into the highest being in the world, towering like a mountain, majestic like thunder, majestic and solemn, looking down on all living beings ...

A huge blood-red blade quickly formed in the sky above his head.

It blotted out the sky and covered the earth, looking down on everything within ten thousand miles. It was like a Red Land that spanned the entire sky.

The momentum was vast and boundless, like a surging ocean, like ten thousand mountains pouring on the head, turbulent and vast, unrivaled!

In the next moment, PEI Ling's voice was loud and clear, " "Crowd!"