Can't be saved ...

In the main world.

The rain was heavy, and purple lightning flashed across the dark sky, baring its fangs and brandishing its claws as it roared.

A graceful figure stood in the air, her long hair fluttering like mist. Above his head, the huge axe blade slowly but firmly chopped down.

Countless copies appeared from the void and blocked the evil-slaying axe.

Even higher up, an incomparably huge palm grabbed the Axe's handle that was shining with runes, trying to pull it away.

In addition, there were also laws that "reversed" this world, forcing the evil-slaying axe to retreat.

The two cloud banners of " Zhan " and " Xie " were suspended in the air. As they flickered, the spiritual opportunity that engulfed the entire heaven and earth swallowed and spat like a tide. It emitted a majestic aura that resisted PEI Ling's various laws.

At this moment, the giant axe replicas around PEI Ling suddenly started to fade as if they had been washed away by the rain.