Temporary city Lord.

The capital of swallow Rhino city.

City Lord's mansion.

A rough-looking throne sat at the head of the hall. Under the nine-step stone steps, the spacious hall was simple and plain. There were pairs of huge candles burning on the stone walls on both sides. The candles were pure white, illuminating the large space as if it were daytime. The entire main hall was filled with the strictness and solemnity unique to the military.

PEI Ling sat on the throne alone with a stiff expression. The moment he regained control of his body, he immediately activated the [ sun corrosion manual ] to prevent his true appearance from being exposed.

At this moment, the Grand elders and grand castle Lord of Yan Xi city were still discussing."This PEI Ling is shockingly talented, but a good swimmer will drown in the water. Compared to city Lord, he's still too young ..."