Chapter 98-PEI Ling has arrived

A few days later.

Suzhen heaven and earth.

Pipa pool.

This was a large lake near Yanxi city in su zhentian, named after its shape of a lute.

The Lotus roots in the pond rippled, and the green water rippled. The flowers bloomed in the Four Seasons, and the water was fragrant. Therefore, there were many villages and towns along the lake. Besides a big city, there were also many mansions of aristocratic families and cave abodes of Masters, each of which was quiet and secluded.

All of a sudden, as if a storm was coming, all the cultivators with slightly higher cultivation bases around the PIPA pool sensed something. Countless restrictive spells were opened, and figures with powerful auras in luxurious clothes flew out and looked at the distant sky.

A small black dot in the sky was riding the wind and breaking through the clouds.

The black dot was extremely fast, and it arrived in front of them in the blink of an eye. It was a huge spiritual boat!