Chapter 129-all living beings, crossing the bitter sea!

PEI Ling stopped and turned his head to look inside. He saw that the classroom was filled with students in the same robes. These students sat quietly in their seats. Even though there were no masters inside, they still appeared extremely well-behaved and quiet.

The "law" in the "B" class was similar to the "C" class.

However, the special 'technique' that the students had was different.

The " Law " of the " B " class students involved " Moving " and " unmoving " ...

If this "law" was used in actual combat, it seemed to be better than the special "law" in the "C" class Hall!

At this thought, PEI Ling walked towards the 'a' class.

Not long after, he stood at the entrance of the " a " class and sized up the inside.

This school was the same as the previous two, there were no masters.