Chapter 133-letter of challenge, return the sword

Nine luminaries mountain.

Lingyue peak.

At the peak of the mountain.

In the strong wind, an exquisite thatched cottage stood still and quietly.

In the thatched house, there were many paintings hanging on the four walls. They were all silver and iron paintings. Some were floating like Immortals, some were as majestic as mountains, and some were surging like rivers. All kinds of wills leaped onto the paper.

There was no furniture in the room, only a blue jade futon on the ground. The futon emitted a soft light, giving people a cool and warm feeling.

The mountain chieftain was dressed in a moon-white Daoist robe, and a wooden Ruyi was placed horizontally in his Daoist bun, shining with clear light. He sat cross-legged on a futon, holding an ancient jade slip in his hand, and was fully concentrated on studying it.