With the saber in my hand,! 'll open My Immortal path!

Even though his saber could compete with he fuqiong's flying sword, if he used any other means, it would shake his own saber Dao!

Saber Dao had been his main cultivation since he entered the heavy ocean sect.

When he was using his saber, he fuqiong's flying sword would immediately break through all his defenses if he had any doubts!

This wasn't a battle between swords, but a flaw in his Dao heart!

But now, PEI Ling had taken the initiative to forget all methods other than the blade Dao. He had placed the victory and defeat of this battle, the success and failure of the immortal path, and his own Dao path into the blade Dao.

Pure, condensed, determined, unyielding ... All the laws were forgotten, and the truth was revealed!

With such a flawless Dao heart, only then would they be competing with a true saber and sword!