Far-reaching intentions

PEI Ling looked back at the entire battle. He had won this battle because he was stronger than he fuqiong. He had the soul formation stage, the void returning stage, and the perfect Dao integration stage ... In terms of power, he fuqiong was far inferior to him!

The second was that he had experienced su zhentian's [ lawless Sky Seal ] before, so he could quickly find a way to deal with it ...

The order of challenge that his master Yao qingying had arranged for him had a profound meaning ...

Just as he was thinking, under the system's control, PEI Ling pulled up the nine souls saber from the ground and returned it to the scabbard on his back. The power of heaven and earth from the entire sword sect flowed into PEI Ling's body like a long river, and his injuries began to recover bit by bit.

Immediately after, PEI Ling flew into the air and turned into a cold blood light, escaping out of the five colored Valley.


Outside the five color Valley.