The mat is done.

Yuange garden.

In the back hall.

The bead curtain was half rolled up, and the embroidered curtain was slightly covered.

In the middle of the elegant decorations, the nine-headed saber spirit in the blood-red robe was half-kneeling on the ground, concentrating on skinning the flame-eyed winged Tiger.

As her slender and soft bones gently brushed past, the Tiger skin that was impervious to knives, guns, water, and fire easily separated from the flesh like an orange peel.

The saber Spirit's control was exquisite, and his movements were as smooth as flowing water. With a continuous swish, the entire animal skin was soon separated from the flame-eyed winged Tiger's body.

The Tiger skin was glossy and smooth, plump and fluffy. Other than the crack that PEI Ling had when he took out the spine, there was no other damage. The entire piece was perfect and flawless.