Derived law six orders.

Two days later.

Nine luminaries mountain.

Yuange garden.

In the main hall.

The runes flickered, and the array slowly operated. Laws surrounded the doors and windows, isolating the inside from the outside.

The hall was well-furnished and elegant.

The spirit incense had long been burned out, leaving only the lingering fragrance.

Suddenly, a space crack opened in the middle of the main hall.

Two figures, one male and one female, walked out from the middle. The male cultivator was wearing a green robe and a bamboo crown, and his feet were wearing straw shoes. The aura around him was pure and spiritual, and one could tell at a glance that he was a disciple of the nine luminaries mountain. The female cultivator wore a wooden hairpin and a blue dress. Her temperament was soft and pure, and she had the style of a righteous sect.