It's incomplete.

In a split second, dense copies of the ancestral sword appeared between heaven and earth. The simple-looking jet-black longswords were like a flock of sparrows flying south. They soared like clouds, and the sword intent was dense.

After all the replicas of the ancestral swords appeared, they immediately slashed at the giant tree.

&Nbsp; whoosh whoosh whoosh ...

It was like a violent storm pouring down.

The strong wind was like a blade, shaking the entire world.

On the branches of the giant tree, several towering mountains immediately grew out. They were magnificent and the mountains immediately broke away from the branches and smashed towards PEI Ling.

Boom boom boom ...

The ancestral sword roared and swept across the area. Countless sword blades slashed down on the mountains. As sparks flew, rocks fell like rain, and the sword Qi dissipated like a tide.