A female disciple?

Without waiting for Princess Zhuang Shu to reply, PEI Ling immediately said sternly,"Moon Hunter! You haven't become an immortal yet, so why do you want to learn immortal techniques?"

Li lieyue replied according to PEI Ling's previous instructions, " "It's fine as long as it can be used during the Dao integration stage. I want to learn it first."

PEI Ling hugged her and said in a pampering tone, " "I've already taught you a few of the immortal techniques that can be used by Dao integration stage cultivators. Why are you still bothering immortal friend mo?"

Li lieyue pushed him away in disgust and rebuked, " "You and senior mo are both Immortals with high vision. How could you understand the pain of us mortals?"

&Quot; those celestial techniques of yours are abstruse and profound. Every one of them requires painstaking effort to understand just a little bit. Moreover, all of them go against the heavenly principles. How can we mortals withstand them? "