
As soon as he finished speaking, Ji Lu made a series of hand seals, and a huge wave rose behind him. It was dark and cold, and the grayish-black waterfall condensed from pure Yin Qi roared and moved. Countless beautiful young men and women, all of whom had their own strengths, were transparent, and their resentment soared into the sky. At this moment, their faces were extremely distorted and their expressions were filled with hatred. Their eyes were bloodshot as they roared and pounced towards PEI Ling.

Swoosh Swoosh Swoosh ...

The waterfall of Yin Qi covered the sky and the earth. With the force of a Thunderbolt, it welcomed the surging blood.

The saber Qi crisscrossed like a huge net, covering the entire sky. In the blink of an eye, the resentful souls were annihilated and the yin Qi was dispersed.

The cold blade tore through the air and continued to slash towards Ji Lu with a whistling sound.

Puff! Puff! Puff! Puff! Puff!