Dao companion ...

At this moment, the hair on the forehead of the "Hu Yi" Grandmaster was already wet with sweat. Her originally white cheeks with-tinge of red had completely turned red.

The back of his hand, which was holding the armrest, had turned green and white because of the force he used.

If it were not for the special material of the Wushi villa's master position, this armrest would have turned into ashes long ago.

Hu Yi's eyes were still tightly shut, but her long eyelashes were trembling even more violently. Her red lips were open, and her teeth were white. She couldn't help but gasp for breath, which spread through the sky.

Mo minglan was unmoved and said indifferently, " "I happen to have an immortal reverent here who completely meets your requirements."

"However, there are some small problems with his appearance and personality."

"I wonder if you mind?"

"Appearance is just an illusion. In this life, the skin is all fake." Patriarch Yi Xi said immediately.