Chapter 282-nothing more than this.

Of the five people present, three of them were dujie-stage patriarchs, one was the vessel of a true immortal's will, and only Weizi was a true Dao integration expert.

At this moment, patriarch Yi Xi said, " "The so-called lower realm is just an illusion."

&Quot; everything in the world may seem complicated, but their essence is the same. Sand and treasures, beauties and skeletons are all illusions. &Quot;

"As Immortals, we descend to the mortal world to comprehend the true meaning and temper our Dao hearts from this vast world of mortals."

"After this trial, I've gained some enlightenment!"

As he spoke, the aura around his body circulated, and there was a hint of liveliness and boldness, as if he had been reborn.

Beside him, Weiwei calmly spoke, " &Quot; we are all immortal emperors and have long seen through the illusion. We all know that this world is just a dream derived from a formation. &Quot;