Chapter 32-shackles

Qingyao mountain.

The lightning of tribulation came down.

It was as if a dam had burst above the firmament, gathering thunder and lightning as vast as the sea. Like a flood, they rushed to the human world and rushed towards PEI Ling.

The foot of the mountain had long disappeared, and there was no longer any dust in the air.

Grass, trees, mountains, rocks, rivers ... All of them were gone. A huge pit appeared where they had been, and a charred aura spread into the sky.

The deep pit was still expanding, developing in the direction of an abyss.

At the same time, the underground spring water cracked and gushed out, flowing into the newly formed pit. The embryonic forms of lakes, rivers, and Springs appeared one after another.

Hot and cold water washed through the newly plowed soil, and the smell of mud and blood mixed together like a tide.

At the bottom of the pit.