The Jade Snow heavenly Fox

PEI Ling saw eight figures slowly walking in front of him. The one in the lead was Ji Changfu, and the two cultivators behind him were Chu mo and GUI hengqiu.

Behind them were Ji Changfu, Chu mo, GUI hengqiu, another him, and another Yu xuezhao.

As for him and Yu Xue Zhao, they were the last to leave.

PEI Ling felt an increasingly strong sense of uneasiness, as if a great danger was quietly approaching.

However, even though he forced himself to stay alert, he did not notice anything wrong ...

Step, step, step ...

The footsteps were monotonous and unchanging, unconsciously blending into the surroundings, like murmurs and murmurs, as if they were going to continue walking like this forever.

PEI Ling's eyelids closed uncontrollably once again ...


Qingyao mountain.

The Tribulation clouds filled the sky.

The sound of thunder rumbled.

The purple and green light illuminated the heavens and earth, and the heavenly might rumbled down!