The fiftieth Dao tribulation.

In the void outside the region.

Cold, deathly silent, desolate ...

Everything he saw seemed to be covered in a layer of shadow, gray and lifeless.

Occasionally, a pitch-black chaotic storm would howl and sweep across, tearing space apart and emitting waves of terrifying fluctuations that made one's heart palpitate.

PEI lingfu appeared here and was about to use [ boundless secular world, fear me like the heavens ] to draw down the heavenly Tribulation, but he saw tribulation clouds suddenly appear in the void around him. In the blink of an eye, they were like a vast ocean, surging forward one after another, and in an instant, they surrounded him like a huge ball of clouds.

In the dark clouds, purple and green flashed. Lightning and thunder intertwined and gathered, quickly condensing into a powerful lightning tribulation.

The power of the heavens descended!

In the void, it was as if a huge star had been born.