Qingyao mountain

Qingyao mountain.

At the edge of the abyss, in the midst of the smoke, clusters of grass and leaves swayed in the wind, quietly covering the originally barren land.

A group of deer demons supported the old and the young. They looked around vigilantly while lowering their heads to gnaw on the tender green leaves.

Suddenly, the earth trembled.

A few young deers who were playing around almost fell down. After they steadied themselves, they looked around in panic.

The mother deer used her mouth to pull the young deer under her stomach and looked into the distance in fear.


At this time, another loud sound came, and the earth trembled even more.

The grass and trees trembled, the earth shook, and the mountains shook. It was as if some massive creature was approaching.

The deer demons didn't hesitate. They immediately spread out their hooves and quickly fled.

A moment later, a mountain-like figure appeared in the sky.