The last chess game.

Time passed by slowly.

In the void outside the region.

In the vast and boundless void, a huge ball of clouds stretched across like a Nebula. Countless Thunderbolts roared and interweaved. The vast void was illuminated by lightning.

A terrifying pressure filled the air.

In the middle of the Dao tribulation, a figure dressed in green and with silver hair like the moon stood quietly. It was Yao qingying!

At this moment, her silver hair was fluttering in the wind, and her jade-green dress was fluttering in the wind. Her aura was extremely powerful and was still rising.

A dense number of lightning snakes gathered like a tide, and the Thunder of tribulation was like a raging wave, blasting Yao qingying from all directions, but she did not use any means to defend herself.

Boom boom boom boom boom boom!