Connecting karma!

The blazing sun hung high in the sky, scattering its golden light for thousands of miles.

The blue waves seemed endless, gulls circled, water race jumped, and the salty sea wind swept across the sky.

Deep in the thousand fathoms sea.

On an isolated island that looked like a jellyfish, the original mountain peak had disappeared. The lush vegetation was swaying left and right, and the remaining living beings were curled up in a corner, shivering and silent like cicadas.

In the middle of the island, there was residual smoke rising from the huge pit. The smell of burning spread, but the sea breeze could not wash it away.

Looking down from the sky, the shape of the deep pit was clear. It was a huge footprint.

The bottom and walls of the pit were as dark as ink, faintly suffused with the brilliance of glazed glass, as if they had been burned by hot flames.

At the edge of the footprint-shaped pit stood a figure.