Reversing the world.

You su tomb.

As the White mist filled the air, the yin Qi was thick.

Ghostly figures shuttled back and forth in the mist. They had all sorts of strange shapes as they were reflected in the mist.

Gray-black frost and snow would occasionally fall from the sky.

Suddenly, a cursed door appeared out of thin air, and the aura of a curse surged out!

All the nearby ghosts immediately prostrated themselves and trembled.

PEI Ling walked out of the door with a small phrase in his voice. The surrounding ghosts were all sprawled on the ground. They did not dare to raise their heads to look at PEI Ling, did not dare to spy on him with their divine sense, and did not even dare to make the slightest move. They could only stick their foreheads to the ground, trembling in fear.

Ignoring the many ghostly beings, PEI Ling walked in a certain direction.

Soon, they arrived at a vast field.

This place was the land of fortune that 'curse' once had!