! 'll teach you a technique ...

PEI Ling's heart skipped a beat as he looked at her. He no longer stood on ceremony and his large hand immediately reached into her dress ...

At this moment, Qiao ciguang suddenly asked, " "Why are you still hiding your true appearance?"

Hearing this, PEI Ling instantly realized that his entire face was covered by the [ underworld fog ] and the other party could not see anything.

However, Qiao ciguang's current cultivation level was only at the Return To Void stage. Even if he was at the Return To Void stage of the great Dao, he still could not look directly at the current him!

"Why don't we ... Play something special?" PEI Ling suggested.

"Ah?" Qiao ciguang looked at PEI Ling in confusion.

PEI Ling smiled and immediately raised his hand to wipe her eyes. A piece of black silk instantly covered her eyes and sealed her divine sense.