
Qingyao mountain.

Yu Yuan.

An incomparably huge pupil stretched across the firmament and hung high in the sky. It was high, cold, indifferent, and majestic ... Looking down on all living things.

At this moment, his pupils were already half open, as if he was only a little bit away from fully opening them!

Cuiwei and xunmu stood tall and straight. Right above them, a Blood Moon hung quietly in the sky. Countless tiny sharp knives were spurting out from all of xunmu's wounds and rushing towards the moon.

The Blood Moon was becoming rounder and rounder, and it was almost complete.

It was like the crown of a huge world. The top branches and leaves turned to dust bit by bit. Before they could fall down, they were already swept by the torrent of sharp knives and rushed into the full moon.

Crack crack crack ...