The great Dao of the "origin.!

Cui Wei's pillar-like Xun mu suddenly faded away.

In the sky, the Blood Moon disappeared. The huge pupil had disappeared without a trace, and the torrential tribulation lightning had all disappeared.

[ Moongazer in the cage, a line of Immortals and mortals ], [ all living beings, crossing the sea of bitterness ], and [ boundless secular world, fear me as the heavens ], these three celestial techniques that defied the heavenly principles, seemed to have been wiped away from this world at some point and completely disappeared.

High up in the sky, it was a grotesque and variegated scene.

Countless scenes that were difficult to understand, impossible to remember, and completely unorganized changed in an instant.

The Earth's original heaviness quickly dissipated like a tide, turning into a glaze-like clarity, but also as soft as rotten flesh and blood, as if the earth was dead, leaving its riddled body to be trampled on by living beings.