Chapter 6-not of my race ...

PEI Ling quickly came back to his senses. It was patriarch Huai bu who had sent him a voice transmission.

He shook his head slightly and did not explain the small matter. Instead, he replied, " "Senior Huai bu, don't worry. I know the severity of this matter."

"That's good," Huai bu said in a gentle voice.

"When the time comes, you'd better be careful before you find the creation wood!"

"No problem," PEI Ling replied.

As he spoke, he continued, " I have a few questions that I would like to ask senior 'Huai bu'. &Quot;

"Go ahead," replied Huai bu.

PEI Ling immediately asked,"those who disobey the heavenly axiom are not allowed to ascend to immortality ... But I don't know that this rule refers to not disobeying the heavenly axiom within the chess game;" Or is it before entering the game?"

&Quot; yes! &Quot; " Huai bu " quickly replied, " before I entered the trap, I was also included! &Quot;

"However, the fleeting life chess game is separated by time."