Why did you descend to the lower realm?

In the wilderness.

In the catacombs.

Dense cloud banners appeared on the four walls. As they flickered, powerful concealment, imprisonment, reinforcement, isolation ... Layers of restrictions were activated.

The remaining mermen's torches burned quietly, and the shriveled fish tail still had beautiful scales.

On the malevolent faces that had been nailed to death, pairs of eyes filled with hatred glared at the humans in the catacombs.

Above their heads, in the holes that were excavated, pure white flames that could burn for thousands of years were quietly and brightly lit, illuminating the room.

Chi Yao was sitting on the ground with her legs crossed. Her aura was surging and her sleeves were moving even though there was no wind. She was trying her best to recover.

Beside him, she was also sitting cross-legged in cultivation, and the room was silent for a moment.