Chapter 44-the sun and the moon will stay forever, and the past will return.

The floating life stage.

It was like the distant mountains and near rivers reflected on the wet glazed glass, blurry and chaotic. The fragrance of pine branches spread around. On the stone table, the chess board was quiet, black and white intertwined.

The " old " black robe was faint, and he was holding a chess piece in his hand. He was frozen in mid-air, as if time had stopped.

The nine sects 'Mahayana stage surrounded the chessboard, and everyone stared at the game intently. It was as silent as death, and the atmosphere was almost stagnant.

At this moment, Fu Qiong suddenly spoke, " "It's been a day,"

The other Mahayana stage cultivators did not reply immediately, but they all understood the meaning of his words.

After a moment, seeing that 'old' still did not move and had no intention of placing a piece, Longboat of the nine luminaries mountain said in a deep voice, " "It seems like the situation inside has been stabilized."