Chapter 54 true fire of Fusang, shine upon the nether path!

In the wilderness.

Ten suns hung high in the sky, pure gold covering ten thousand Zhang *.

Within the enchantment, golden water surged, shining on the Crystal Palace.

At the bottom of the ocean.

It was dark, deep, cold, and reeking of blood.

Thin and tough white chains extended out of the void and tightly bound a figure.

He wore dark clothes and a Jade belt, and his appearance was upright. Although he was covered in injuries, he gave living beings a sense of perfection.

It was Chi Yao!

His head was tilted to one side, his eyes were closed, and his breath was weak. He was in a coma.

Ka ka ka ...

Suddenly, a slight abnormality was heard, and a layer of dark blue flames instantly ignited on the White chain.

This flame was pure in color and had a cold aura. Wherever it went, thick frost would form.

The blue flame followed the chains and quickly entered Chi Yao's body. It was like thousands of ice needles had pierced into its body.